Monday, July 29, 2024

McDonald's Changeables (Transformers)

I never really knew about these until I went to the DC Big Flea with Matt at Toybox. McDonald's Transformers! What a winning combination. So simple even I could do it.


  1. I still have my giant jar full of them. These are the best Transformers ever made!

  2. I'm always tempted to pick these up whenever I see them on ebay but never do. I do, however, have my eyes on the old spaceship happy meals!

    1. Dude!!! I remember the spaceship happy meals. Those were awesome. I had two of them as a kid. I almost bid on a set a year or so ago, but then passed. So much fun.

    2. Those things are ridiculous expensive! Which set you after? 1981 or 1983?

  3. A lot of people my age think these were the best toys that McDonald's ever did. They were never one of my personal favorites, but I still have a bunch of them from my childhood.

  4. I think I enjoy them most because of the old Styrofoam containers.
