Saturday, October 14, 2023

31 Days of Halloween Pegheads - Week 2

 I continue to accept the challenge of making a horror peghead for each day of October. Not being a horror fan, I have been watching Eli Roth's History of Horror, which has been a lot of fun. I've also looked up several, 100 best horror movie lists. Lots of neat stuff, especially foreign films, that are out there.

Week 1

All pegheads and links from 31 Days in 2021.

So here is week 2. (Any recommendations for the rest of the month?)

Damien from The Omen

Jack Torrance - The Shining

David and Jack - An American Werewolf in London

Chucky and Tiffany from Child's Play

Dani (Florence Pugh) from Midsommer

Leatherface from Texas Chainsaw Massacre


  1. Even though the film has never been a favorite of mine, I still get a kick out of seeing An American Werewolf in London represented here.

    1. Thanks. I laughed more at the decaying Jack than anything else.

  2. I love the creativity of making a horror peghead for each day.
