Saturday, June 29, 2024

Birthday Gift - Box o' Fun

I neglected to post this awesome box of birthday goodies sent back in March by my good buddy. He always finds to coolest little nostalgic trinkets. Love this stuff.



  1. Replies
    1. Metal Men by Zylmex. I had to ask as well. Pretty cool. Think they had six different figures.

  2. So many things remind me of the local corner store. I can smell those caps just seeing the box.

  3. Oh gosh...those Chu-Bops are going to become a new obsession for me.

  4. He must be a very good friend for him to have put this much effort into your gift. That Space Dust artwork is pretty amazing. I really like the Product Pals too. That's an interesting selection on the back.

    1. We've been friends since the 2nd Grade. He collects a lot of nostalgic products. The Product Pals is brand new though. A customizer is making them. Pretty neat.
