Friday, June 7, 2024

Spero Toys - Animal Warriors of the Kingdom

Spero Toys just finished another amazing and successful Kickstarter campaign for their AWOK series. The Primal Series 2 Kickstarter includes female and larger elephant and rhino stretch goals. While the elephant wasn't funded, they are trying to fund it during the Backerkit phase.  Anyway, I was so excited about how the line is growing, I finally opened some of my Wave 1 figures. These are really nice and I plan to open the rest - have just been doing a lot of traveling lately.

This is Pale (main character) and a Chitauri warror. The line is 1/12 scale and I really like the articulation. 

AWOK Wave 1a blog post. 


  1. Replies
    1. I've opened the rest. Just need to photograph them.

  2. These look very Planet of the Apes-ish.

    1. Yep. I'll be posting more photos soon, though they've made several feline figures as well. The newest Kickstarter included a whole new range of animals. Pretty cool.
