Monday, January 29, 2024

Marvel Legends - Target Clearance Haul

 I had no plans to purchase any of these, but then I saw them on 50%+ clearance at Target. Couldn't resist after that.

Included are the Grey Hulk/Bruce Banner set, Super Skrull and Skrull Queen, Spiderverse Miles Morales and Spiderverse Jessica Drew Spider-Woman.


  1. That grey Hulk looks great 👍 Was this a recent trip to Target?

    1. Yep. Grey Hulk looks fantastic. This trip was back in September.

  2. I never even saw the skrull set in stores so great score getting it on clearance! One day I need to get some more skrulls. I mean it is my screen name lol.

  3. I don't follow a lot of the current happenings so I don't know if they're still being used in movies/comics, but I sure liked the Skrulls as a kid. And if memory serves, I was just about the only one who did.
