Monday, January 1, 2024

Happy New Year! Resolution Time - The Thanos Project

So, I'm retroconning this post, actually placing it on 1 January even though I'm writing this on the 5th. 

First of all, Happy New Year. Hope everyone has a healthy, blessed, and prosperous new year. That doesn't mean there won't be obstacles, but we'll get through them together.

So my resolution is called the Thanos Project. My plan is to sell off half my stuff. Doesn't mean half of everything. Some lines may go 100% or some will be kept, while others will be parted off. Even though I've sold some stuff, need to get rid of more.

I'm going to try and keep myself focused on five lines this year.

1. Star Wars - primarily retro/Andor/Mandalorian/Rogue One

2. GI Joe Classified/Action Force

3. 54mm painted military miniatures

4. Assorted Super7 ReAction figures

5. Mythic/Cosmic Legions

Anyway - Happy New Year!

1 comment:

  1. I think that a lot of collectors could stand to do this. I've been paring down my stuff for the last couple of years. It's been really nice seeing a little bit more extra space appear with the de-cluttering of each item.
