Tuesday, May 7, 2024

One Sixth Memories - Utah GI Joe Club - D-Day Diorama

I was part of the Utah GI Joe Collector's Club in the mid-2000s. We typically met once a month, exchanged news and treasures, and generally just hung around and had fun. When I hosted, I decided to build a diorama that everyone could contribute to. Once again, I used chicken wire and paper mache to create Omaha Beach and Pointe du Hoc.


  1. Very cool! Looks like a good time!

  2. Any club/group that inspires people to do things like this had to be fun. Have you kept in touch with any of the other former members?

    1. It was a lot of fun. I didn't keep in touch with anyone except one of the older ladies for several years after we moved. The one sitting on the floor in the white shirt. She was really cool. She said she started collecting toys because she got married young, had kids and grandkids young, and now wanted to enjoy life.
