Monday, January 13, 2020

The Hunt is What it's All About - Joe Finds

As I mentioned, my focus for the year is building a vintage GI Joe: ARAH collection without going to online sales.

This Friday, I went during my lunch hour to a local vintage store. I have rarely seen any Joes there. Last time I went, I saw Gung Ho. As I drove there, I said to myself, I will be happy if I just find him. It's a start. Hopefully he was still there.

I started searching where I saw him last time, back by all the loose figures in baggies. No luck.

Then I went back to the front of the store and noticed several baggies of Joes. I found Barbecue, Gung Ho, Snow Job, and Tripwire. Ok - I got four. Not bad. Better than expected.

Then I went to the counter and saw Joes inside the counter. Grabbed Firefly...then I needed to get Destro, then Storm Shadow, and finally Doc.

Only Tripwire and Firefly had loose leg joints. The rest were tight. Probably new O-rings.

I'll rearm them from online sales. But this was a lot of fun. I haven't had this much fun toy hunting in a long time.