Wednesday, October 14, 2020

EPIC Road Trip Haul

So I joined some Army buddies last weekend for a hike through a part of the Appalachian Trail. I only did six miles because I only had a day and a half, but they went on for the rest of this week, nine days, 100+ miles - plenty of rain.  The fun part is that my trek to the start point and the trek back were two highways I knew well from previous jobs, so I knew where the Targets and Walmarts were. 

On Friday, I drove south on I81 through Virginia and hit three Walmarts, two Walgreens, and one FYE.  I didn't know FYE still existed. They are a lot like Suncoast - mostly DVDs with a smattering of pop culture toys.  Seeing someone take a photo of a bunch of Super7 ReAction figures and posting it on a forum last week, I discovered I had two FYEs within a 50 mile radius. One happened to be in a mall on my route down to southern Virginia. So boom - stopped there as well.

Luckily, my hike allowed me to drive home on a different highway, one I was familiar with while working with a different company. I stopped at two Walmarts, two Targets, and one Walgreens.

I was definitely looking for GI Joes and my intent was to find some ReAction figures at FYE. Anything else was bonus. 

This is what I came home with.

I found the HISS Tank at my first Walmart and the AWE Striker at the fifth.

And this cool set of diecast Joes.

At Walgreens, I found the exclusive McFarlane Arya Stark from Game of Thrones (and a Classified Gung Ho). I also saw the Clone Trooper Lieutenant exclusive to Walgreens but did not purchase. Not a fan of prequel trilogy clones. 

Then I went into FYE. I should have taken a photo of their toy section. It was impressive. I grabbed some Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Archie, and They Live figures. I put a few more back on the pegs because it was getting expensive.

I found one Star Wars figure on the pegs.

Having gone into five Walmarts, I finally buckled and picked up the rarer figures from the Retro He-Man set. Beast Man and Man-At-Arms were definitely short-packed. I figured I'd pick up He-Man and Evil-Lyn later.

I also found a new NECA Gremlin at Target. I honestly got this one just for the Gizmo lunchbox.

And finally, the mother lode. Marvel Legends at Target.  I had all of these on preorder but it was nice to see them all at once at retail. Domino from Deadpool 2, Deadpool and Negasonic from Deadpool 2, Old Man Logan and Hawkeye, and movie version Magneto and Professor X.  Marvel Legends is killing it, and my wallet. 

Whew! I'll post more on these individually as I unpackage them in the next few days. 


  1. Man! I'd love to have those Archie figures! Did they have Jughead and Reggie too?

    1. They did not. Not sure I would have picked up Reggie. Probably Jughead. On the other hand, can't have an incomplete set. :-)

  2. You also found Gung Ho! THANK YOU!!!

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks! My wallet is still hurting. But is was so much fun. :-0

  4. I was totally unaware of the existence of the Archie figures. Guess they're on my list now.
