Saturday, November 18, 2023

Lone Coconut Plunderstrongs - Captain Blacjack

Lone Coconut's second Kickstarter finally started arriving. It was supposed to be both the Plunderstrongs and the Plunderlongs. The Plunderlongs are delayed due to a manufacturing issue. 

These guys are big and bulky and will be a lot of fun next to the Plunderlings.

Here is my favorite so far - Captain Blacjack. He carries a cannon as a hand held weapon. 


  1. I don't even remember which one I ordered but I'm not going to check so I can be surprised when it shows up :D

  2. This looks like the sort of figure that would've been associated with a cartoon in the old days.

    1. Someday, hopefully the franchise will grow to something like that. Would be fun.
