Sunday, December 18, 2022

Micronauts - Pharoid

I have never owned a Micronaut in all my life. I remember my buddy bringing one to class in second grade though. It was Pharoid. He looked so cool. Loved the Egyptian sarcophogus the Micronaut came in. I was at a vintage toy store in Maryland when I came across him. Had to get him.  So cool.  Also found this carrying case which I got for that same friend who collects Micronauts to this day. 


  1. I had a decent amount of Micronaut stuff as a kid. My Pharoid was orange. Only thing I still have is that same carry case and whatever random parts are inside it.

    1. Cool. It's interesting how rarely Micronauts stuff shows up at vintage stores.

  2. I read the comics as a kid, but never owned any of the toys. In fact, I think this might be the first time I've ever even seen one of the toys. And I too love the sarcophagus. I probably be content if I could just have one of those.

    1. That's about all I'll get, though I'll keep an eye out for my buddy who collects these.
