Friday, April 29, 2016

Z is for Zombies

OK - this is an easy one. And an easy way to finish. I used to hate zombie movies and shows. Now, thanks to Walking Dead, I can't get enough. I've also read World War Z three times. The movie was entertaining, but not like the book. I love the Call of Duty Zombie Building sets.

In order to focus this posting, I will focus on the Mega Bloks Call of Duty Zombie sets.


Tranzit Farm

Hazmat Zombies Mob

Zombies Horde

Zombie Mob

Zombie Moon Mob (I need a Zombie Space Station)

Zombies Tranzit Diner

Zombies Office Mob - the latest, and my favorite - cause before coffee, this is us!

And with that, the A to Z Blogging Challenge is done. Thanks for supporting me during the month of April. And done with a day to spare.

And don't forget to check out Cool and Collected who also took the challenge and provided an outstanding array of awesome posts.


  1. Those look pretty good when you set them up in a mob scene.

    Congrats on reaching "Z" -- I should be limping through the finish line sometime tomorrow.

    1. Thanks Brian. That was quite the challenge. Took me almost two weeks to recover. :-)
