Thursday, March 6, 2025

McFarlane DC Superpowers: The Sixth Batch

Based on research on Amazon, I knew the next new wave was coming in early March. I stopped by Gamestop while running errands, and came across the new wave a few weeks early. Quickly grabbed The Atom, vintage Flash, Bruce Wayne Batman, and Superman. 

Still digging the $9.99 price but was a bit annoyed when the price tags didn't come off as easy as usual. They also put every price tag on the face of the character artwork. 

I also Ebayed the three pack with original Green Lantern, Hour Man, and Star Man. 

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

McFarlane DC Superpowers: The Fifth Batch

 This isn't so much a batch as it is a find in the wild with an awesome clearance discount as well, found at Gamestop. Though I'm not chasing down old variants, if I see them in the wild, I'll get them. 

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

McFarlane DC Superpowers: The Fourth Batch

Here is the fourth batch I purchased. These were an Ebay purchase from a single seller. All of these were between $10-15, so still at MSRP, just with a small seller markup. Actually, Hal Jordan was a bit steeper and was an actual auction. He's a hard to find, popular guy. 

Once again, I'm not going to be a completist about this line. I don't need the variants. 

Also, as I mentioned in batch one, I blame Tone for all of this.  :-)

Monday, March 3, 2025

McFarlane DC Super Powers: The Third Batch

My quest for more DC Super Powers continued with some purchases on Amazon which included Black Manta and Aquaman, and Gold Wonder Woman and Riddler from Ebay. My plan is to only buy these out in the wild once I catch up with some of the past waves. I don't have a need to get every variant so not stressing it.