Friday, December 17, 2021

Zombie Soldiers Converted from Bravo Team Figures

One aspect of zombie movies and television shows is the lack of focus on how the military would respond and how they would be overrun, given they have the weaponry to make a stand. The first season of Walking Dead barely touched on this when they showed all the military vehicles around the hospital where Rick wakes up from his coma, and then the tank in the middle of Atlanta.  

Anyway, it would be cool for someone to take a look at this part of the fall of society. In the meantime, a few years ago, I grabbed some Bravo Team modern soldiers that were sold at Target and painted them into converted zombies with a little grey and red paint.


  1. Nice! You know, if you heat up a pin and place it over the figures face it will melt and give the appearance of a flesh wound.
