Friday, October 27, 2023

Annandale Toy Soldier Show

I wish I was better at taking photos at toy and comic shows, but I usually just enjoy walking around and browsing. The Heart of the South Toy Soldier Show is scheduled once a quarter in Annandale, Virginia. It's pretty small but I always find something new. This was from the September show. I did end up with a few new King and Country pieces from a new dealer I hadn't seen there before. 


  1. Judging by the guys in that one picture, if someone doesn't find a way to get the younger folks interested , this show might not be around too much longer.

    And I'm the same way in regards to either not taking any photos when I'm out, or not taking enough. I'm always too focused on being in the moment.

    1. Good point. I don't see a lot of "young guys" at these. Don't need toy soldiers when you have Call of Duty.
