Saturday, March 1, 2025

McFarlane DC Super Powers: The First Batch - I Blame Big Tone

So there I was, minding my own business, reading my fellow bloggers blogs, when Tone breaks out a post about the McFarlane DC Superpowers line and his purchase of Superman. Now, if you've been reading my blog, you know I don't collect a lot of DC. I just never had a lot of interest in the characters. I'll pick up a cool Batman thing every now and then, or a Gal Gadot Wonder Woman, but otherwise, I stick to Marvel. After reading Tone's post, I thought, you know, they do look cool, I tend to see them in ample quantities the few times I venture to a Walmart, and saw some at Gamestop. I'll check them out. 

I didn't find any at Target - don't recall ever seeing them there, but I went to the Gamestop next door. I loved the 80s simplicity of the card, the simple design of the figures, the bold colors, and the price. Whoa! The price. $9.99 at Gamestop. They usually mark things up 50%. Compare that with the now typical price of a Vintage Collection 3-3/4 inch Star Wars figure for $18.

So I grabbed what was there. Brainiac, Metamorpho, Earth 50 Superman and Guy Gardner Green Lantern. I was hooked and still relatively early in the line. Not a bad first batch at all. 

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