Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Valaverse Action Force Pegheads

As I was gearing up for the Maryland Toy Expo a few weeks back, I found out Valaverse was going to be there, including founder Bobby Vala. I painted some Action Force pegheads for fun,  hoping to have a chance to go to their booth and give them to him. I could not leave my booth. Luckily, he came by, eyed my figures, at which time I gave him this set.  It was fun to do. My way of thanking him for launching such a cool line of figures. I painted the first series of figures - Condor, Steel Brigade, Kerak, Bone Collector and Swarm Trooper. 


  1. Those are excellent! I love that Bone Collector and the SWARM Trooper. They translated over very nicely.

  2. Very cool that you got to give them to Bobby!

    1. Yeah - wasn't expecting I was going to be able to, but then he stopped by my table. I had posted a photo of them two nights before on Instagram and had tagged him.

  3. Did he say anything about them after receiving them?
