Friday, April 24, 2020

Star Wars Revenge of the Sith - Quarantine Movie and Toy Review

OK - so the current ranking for the movies.

1. Attack of the Clones
2. Revenge of the Sith
3. Phantom Menace

For the longest time, I liked Revenge better than Attack, but now watching them again, Attack rates slightly higher.

What I liked about Revenge of the Sith:
1. The huge space battle above the planet Coruscant to open up the movie
2. The camouflage clone troopers fighting with the Wookies on Kashyyk
3. Order 66 - The ambush of the Jedi was gut wrenching
4. Yoda beheading the clone troopers ordered to assassinate him
5. Yoda's lightsaber duel with the Emperor in the Senate room
6. Lightsaber duel between ObiWan and Anakin
7. John Williams' score from all three prequel movies was A-MA-ZING.
8. The Galactic Marines looked awesome. Purple Snowtroopers; Here is my diorama for them from years ago. 
9. Jedi Temple invasion by the 501st: another early diorama.

What I didn't like:
1. 95% of the movie is done in CGI
2. The continued lack of chemistry between Anakin and Padme
3. R2D2 flying around and spraying oil, then lighting Super Battle Droids on fire
4. Emperor Palaptine as a captive in the beginning was a goofball
5. Count Dooku gets dispatched so easily. Yeah right.
6. The childish speech of the Battle Droids
7. Padme dying of a broken heart
8. The worst - Anakin slaughtering kids. Was that really necessary?

Anyway, like Attack of the Clones,  I purchased most of what was released first just to stay on the bandwagon. I also had the ARC170 space fighter which I loved, though sold it off later. Took up a lot of space.

So here is what I have left.

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