Friday, October 2, 2020

GI JOE Classified - Baroness and COIL - THANK YOU!

1. We used to have a saying at my military academy - "cooperate and graduate" - it meant no one finishes on their own. Teamwork is absolutely essential and necessary.

2. If you are a GI Joe collector, than you know how difficult this Target exclusive has been to find in the wild. So I was offered one by a fellow collector who also has friends and family out looking for the hard to find items.  So to him (and his network) I say THANKS - and how nice it is to see people working together to navigate this land of exclusives. 

This is a work of art. The Baroness looks absolutely outstanding!!! I've read the COIL motorcycle seems cheaply made. Regardless, I am looking forward to the figure. Will be taking some photos this weekend.


  1. Nice! I got mine a day or two ago. I paid a bit over retail but she's amazing and I was getting worried I'd miss out completely. I know we'll see a Baroness figure again but not this exact one and I have doubts we'll see a restock.

    1. Awesome. Yeah it's been frustrating but nice to have help.
