Friday, October 30, 2020

Twas the Night Before Halloween - Ben Cooper Six Million Dollar Man Costume

I love reading everyone else's awesome blogs about Halloween. I love Halloween, but never got into any of the collectibles. Every year, I go into one of those big box arts and crafts stores and think I'll start building a Lemax village but never do. I have enough storage problems as it is. 

Anyway, when I was in kindergarten, I dressed up as Steve Austin - The Six Million Dollar Man with one of those plastic face and plastic outfit costume sets from Ben Cooper. I have a photo of it somewhere. Every once in awhile, I looked on Ebay but it was either expensive, or just wasn't in the mood. A few weeks ago, I purchased a fully boxed set for less than $20. I'm wearing the mask to our company Halloween "zoom call" party this week. The costume is certainly not going to fit me.

Here it is. Does this give you flashbacks? Did you have a Ben Cooper costume as a kid?


  1. I remember the edges of the mask scraping my face and barely being able to see through the eye slots lol. The collateral damage was well worth it, tho.

    1. Yep. I need to dig up my parents photos. I have them somewhere. My entire kindergarten class all had them.
