Friday, January 1, 2021

hApPy NeW yEaR - Here Comes The Year of....the 80s!

What a crazy year 2020 was. There was a YouTube video I often watched to cheer me up when things were really crazy. 

Waiting for a Star to Fall - A Tribute to 80s Entertainment

I've probably watched this video 100 times in the last six months. 

Anyway, that inspired me to make my focus for 2021 action figures that are featured in 80s movies, television, music, etc.  The figures didn't have to be made then. In fact, I prefer the realistic NECA style 6 inch figures for this project. 

I gathered what I have so far. 

I have plenty of Star Wars that would fit in this. Some figures I am keeping an eye out for to fill out this project - Christopher Reeves Superman, Michael Keaton Batman, Flash Gordon, Robocop, Conan, and Ghostbusters. There's probably more. Will be fun to see what I come up with.



  1. Great 80's tribute video. Man that was a great decade!!!

    1. Yes. Yes it was. So glad I was a teenager then.
