Saturday, May 1, 2021

Some Really Old Photos

That's me getting my first X-Wing fighter for my First Communion back in early 1979. The second photo is of a neighborhood friend. We set up a bunch of plastic cowboys and indians and threw small projectiles to see who can knock over the others' army faster. These were from a small photo album I found which I had misplaced years ago.


  1. Awesome! I have a pic of me as a kid holding an X Wing fighter as well. It was a hand-me-down from my older cousin but I loved it! I'd have my Adventure People Alpha Interceptor figure pilot it.

    1. That's awesome. I just took some photos of some Adventure People space figures this weekend. Will post them soon.

  2. I've spent the past month scanning in birthday and Christmas photos from my very first to 11th. Going to be posting them soon.
