Sunday, September 12, 2021

Kenner Starting Lineup Chicago Bears - Sayers and Tomczak

So I pasted these photos in over six months ago and scheduled it for opening Sunday of the NFL football season. And then I forgot about it until I opened things up today and saw that I had in fact, did not forget to post today.

I never had any Starting Lineup figures. They came out basically when I was in college and in the army. The most I did was buy a kicker and paint him in my high school uniform - I was a kicker senior year in high school.

I picked these two up on a random occasion cause I love the Bears, and anything Chicago. What was nice about Kenner's starting lineup was the size and lack of articulation allowed them to make so many different players. Amazing.


  1. OK what are the odds lol. Did not see your Starting Lineup post before making mine. Genius minds...

    1. Ha! I had this sitting in scheduled status for over six months. Even forgot to add any commentary. Yes - genius minds.

  2. Loved Starting Lineup figures. I collected the Jets figures and of course had all the Bo Jackson figures. Great post!
