Thursday, March 25, 2021

Star Wars Y-Wing Fighter and Mini Catalog

Not sure why, but the Y-Wing was always one of my favorites. Liked it better than the X-Wing. Kenner didn't release one until Return of the Jedi. Decades later, I think I grabbed every Y-Wing that came out. This was another item I finally unpackaged just to minimize storage space. Love it.

How come Hasbro doesn't do mini-catalogs anymore? Probably cause everything is already on the internet I think.


  1. I loved those catalogues as a kid. I think it's crazy that so many toylines don't even do cross sells on the back of packages anymore.

  2. I loved those little catalogues! It made the whole experience more immersive. Mini comics were also great to have with your action figures. Did this come with the pilot? If so that's another plus!

    1. Pilot and catalog came with the ship. Can't believe they don't do this. Also, the back of carded figures is now warnings in 20 languages. Remember when they showed all the other figures on the backs of cards. I don't get it.
