Sunday, April 4, 2021

Star Wars Kenner Dagobah Playset Box

One reason (among many) Star Wars toys resonated was the cool packaging. No other was packaged in black. For the vehicles and playsets, they set up figures in a scene you would do yourself.  The Dagobah playset was one of my favorites. Funny thing is, originally, it wasn't even my toy - my brother received it for his birthday. By then, he had grown out of it so it went directly to me. 

This box has been sitting on a shelf on my garage so I figured I'd snap a few photos. 


  1. I remember getting this for Christmas. Specifically my dad building it. I got it with the Star Destroyer playset, which I also watched my dad build with eager anticipation of playing with it when he was done. I wish I had old photos of these kinds of things.

    1. Same here. I have a few. But I love this thread on Rebelscum:

  2. Another good site -
